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Writer's pictureKatie

Twenty. Fucking. Nine.

Today marks my 29th birthday. The last of my 20s and I am feeling oddly ok with it. Upon reflection, I realize that there have been many ups and downs this year but the biggest struggle I had was with my body. I had a baby in January and most days still look like he is inside my tummy. I struggled with being intimate with my husband and struggled with embracing mom-hood. All of which, I know, are normal feelings for a new mom but I guess I didn't expect to actually feel that way (the universal plight of first-time moms).

I am lucky enough to have a job that I love, one that fulfills me. The biggest reason for that is the simple fact that I can talk to you about being a woman and all the bullshit that comes with it. I have talked to so many women this year about body image and their struggles. Many of them have had disorders, diseases, and various other issues that impact their bodies on so many different levels. Because of this I feel like I have come into myself more - if that makes any sense. Hearing your stories has healed me in some strange way. I think the more that we talk about these things, the more women all over the world are healed.

As much as 2017 was a huge year for me, personally, I also think that it was a huge year for women period. The #metoo campaign, the women's rights demonstrations that happened all over the world, the calling out of chauvinistic men, all of that has changed the face of womanhood forever. I truly believe that. I also truly believe that we are in an amazing time of immense change. Years from now, text books will talk about the third wave of women's rights in 2017. Less than 100 years after the first two.

2017 is the year that belongs to women. Fact. I gladly share it with my 28th year and look forward to what year 29 has to bring.

In celebration, I took some selfies. Mark my words, this is the start of annual birthday selfies.

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