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  • Writer's pictureKatie

The Dos and Don'ts of Choosing an Edmonton Boudoir Photographer

With endless boudoir photographer options out there, here is my guide to choosing one that is best for you.

Dos of Choosing an Edmonton Boudoir Photographer

Choose someone you connect with

Look, taking nude photos is intimate and can be scary. Make sure the photographer that you choose for your boudoir photos is someone who you can feel comfortable with.

Choose someone who's style you like

If you like things a little dark and moody, I am probably the boudoir photographer for you! Choose someone who's photography mood connects with you. This is important because boudoir photography is essentially trying to capture your essence so you want a photographer who can articulate that back to you in art form.

Choose someone who is respectful

We've all been through some shit. Choose a photographer who respects your boundaries and triggers. You want your boudoir photoshoot to be a positive experience so make sure you are undertaking it with someone who is kind and respectful to you.

Don'ts of Choosing an Edmonton Boudoir Photographer

Don't choose someone who only photographs one body type

This is something that I see a lot of in boudoir photographers (especially those with XY chromosomes, sorry not sorry for calling it out). Your boudoir photographer should be experienced and happy to photograph any body size or type. If you don't see your body represented in their portfolio, run.

Don't choose someone cheap

"Cheap" and "quality" often don't go hand-in-hand. If you are someone who struggles with body image issues, you run the risk of an inexperienced boudoir photographer causing more damage. Choose someone who's quality and budget line are in alignment with you want. If you can't afford them yet, save up. It's better to have a positive boudoir experience than a cheap one.

Don't choose someone skittish

I have said it before and I will say it again: choose someone you are comfortable with. Don't choose a photographer who won't be comfortable with your expression of your body. If you are looking for nude photography or erotica photography, make sure you choose a photographer who can confidently deliver. It is in no ones best interest to be uncomfortable or out of their element.

Hope this helps - let me know if you have any other dos and don'ts that I missed!

edmonton boudoir photography

edmonton boudoir photography

edmonton boudoir photography

edmonton boudoir photography

edmonton boudoir photography

edmonton boudoir photography

edmonton boudoir photography

edmonton boudoir photography

edmonton boudoir photography

edmonton boudoir photography

edmonton boudoir photography

edmonton boudoir photography

edmonton boudoir photography

edmonton boudoir photography

edmonton boudoir photography

edmonton boudoir photography

edmonton boudoir photography

edmonton boudoir photography

edmonton boudoir photography

edmonton boudoir photography

edmonton boudoir photography

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